Budapest, Petőfi Sándor u. 5, 1052

New Music Education

Esettanulmányok a zeneoktatásról, előadás, interaktív foglalkozás, kerekasztal beszélgetés

In the summer of 2016, Ditta Rohmann and László Fassang invited a groups of people for a discussion held in the framework of the Music Program in Bercel. Well known pedagogues, school directors, music performers and conductors gathered around the table to talk about music education, methods and what they have seen , share their experiences and ideas. The conversation continued through the year in Budapest. We want to open the circle of discussants to include audience, students, and parents this evening. The two hosts of the event will hold interactive presentations in the first half of the evening: Ditta Rohmann presents the method of soundpainting, and János Bali introduces the practical aspects of creating a new opera production with the students of the music school of Gödöllő.


  • Szabolcs Molnár


  • Ditta Rohmann
  • János Bali
